Do you enjoy looking out on the sea in all its moods? Recently I visited Beaumaris on a bright, warm November afternoon. I stood gazing out at the water. There was so much to see. At one point there were heavy clouds in one direction and sun in the other. The light on the water sparkled in the sunshine. Much of the surrounding area seemed grey and dark. It made me think that what we see depends on where we look.
We can look on the light – the light of the love of Jesus and all the blessings in our lives – or we can look on the shadows. We can certainly experience, read and see much that is difficult. As part of the St Peter’s Baptist Church family we are called to love in the light of Jesus and share this love with those in our community. Life is not always easy, but I can testify to the difference that knowing Jesus brings to my life. Just as the light spreads across the water, Jesus wants to bring his light into our life in all its ups and downs.
As one of the church leaders at St Peter’s Baptist Church, I’m engaged with all in the church in seeking to know where God is leading us next. What is His vision for our church? I believe God is calling us to be light in our community. What will that look like? I don’t know, but I’m sure God does. As well as church members considering this, we need those in our community to tell us how we can be there for you.
May you be a light to those around you. If all around you seems in shadow, how can we help you?