Giving Financially
SPBC is largely funded through the generosity of its congregation. Without this funding it would be unable to extend the vision that God has for mission and ministry in us and through us. We believe that giving financially to our local church is a Biblical expression of commitment to it, and a valid indicator of membership.
Giving financially is part of the radical lifestyle which comes from following Jesus and being committed to His church.
One-off giving
For one-off gifts you can donate by clicking on the button below. There is a %age fee per transaction for giving by this method so if you are planning to give regularly we would encourage you to give by other means - see below
How we use funds
We are committed to our local vision of ‘Loving, Releasing and Inviting’; engaging in mission and evangelism to Worcester and beyond. In this way, we all grow together in our discipleship as God’s people in ‘ministry’.
We are working to support, equip and develop ministry and mission initiatives for all ages. We fund all of our mission and ministry, including our excellent staff team, through the generous and often sacrificial giving of our congregation.
We assign as much of our income as possible to our General Fund, giving us the flexibility to be able to direct funds to where they are most needed.
Two ways to give regularly
We find that most people prefer to give by Standing Order (SO). As well as being easy for you, this assists the Treasurer as knowing our monthly income more accurately means we can plan effectively and spend wisely.
Giving through SO is entirely in your control. Only you can change the amount you give through your bank – we cannot.
If you would like SPBC to direct your gift in accordance with the budget (which is agreed by church members), please use 'General' as the reference.
If you would like your donation to be used for a specific purpose you need to ensure that our Treasurer knows this – so please reference any giving accordingly.
It would also be helpful if you could email our Church Treasurer, Gracious Mugova, to tell her the date your SO will commence, the value of the SO and purpose of the gift (eg general funds).
We know that some prefer to give cash or cheque through the offering box at the back of the upstairs hall. If you are eligible for Gift Aid, then please use the blue envelopes available.
We always welcome one-off gifts, which can be made by either method or through the button above
Standing Order
You can set up a standing order using your online banking.
Please use the following bank details:
AC: 65295999
SC: 08-92-99
A/c name to use for electronic banking is:
Give on a Sunday
At each Sunday service there is an opportunity to give cash or cheques via the offering box at the back of church. Gift Aiding is still possible if you like to give this way – simply use a Gift Aid envelope (available from the Treasurer).
How much should I give?
Giving is a very personal thing - it’s ultimately between you and God, so as a church we are not prescriptive on this question. We believe that the Bible is clear that we are called to give generously and joyfully: “everyone should give what he [or she] has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Tithing is an Old Testament model of giving which expected people to give 10% of their gross income to God (Malachi 3:6-12). The New Testament model emphasises giving generously, obediently and at times sacrificially in response to the leading of the Holy Spirit. In practice, it may well be that God calls us to give more than 10%!
We do believe that it is right to give faithfully to the church that you are committed to, and that any other giving is additional to this (e.g. to mission agencies, local charities). Whilst you may not be a direct beneficiary of some aspects of the church’s life you are helping fund, you are investing into the wider church as an expression of commitment to its vision.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, for every £1 you give to us, we are able to reclaim 25p from HMRC. To register for this option, which makes a massive difference to us, simply complete a Gift Aid form by downloading from the link below, complete and return to the Church Office addressed to the Treasurer. Or ask the Treasurer for special envelopes if not gifting through your bank.
Who will know what I give?
Your giving is a private matter between you and God, and so we minimise how many people have access to the giving data. We need to identify giving for Gift Aid and audit purposes. Only the Church Treasurer has access to the names of givers and the amount they give. The other church leaders (including the Minister) and the church members do not have access.
Are the church’s finances regulated?
Our accounts are independently examined by Chartered Accountants every year and regulated by the Charity Commission. They are published annually on the Charity Commission website and are available for everyone to view.