Our Groups

We have many different groups at St Peter's ranging from weekly bible study small groups to bereavement groups. You can find out about all of them below and get in contact if you're interested in joining one.

Missional Communities

We have 4 Missional Communities:
Eden Coffee Shop
Children, Youth and Families
St Peter’s Estate
Pear Tree Fields estate

Eden Coffee Shop Missional Community
Eden Coffee Shop Missional Community

Drawing in and reaching out. We aim for the coffee shop to be a place of connection – connecting with one another and connecting to Jesus. A place of refreshment for body, soul and spirit.   A place of help and support, signposting and information for the needs of our community. Our aim is to reach Christians and non-Christians with workshops, community outreach, exciting events, and intentional relationship building. We want to be helping people feel valued and to know their worth.

CYF Missional Community
CYF Missional Community

Our work with children, youth and families isn’t just on Sundays! Throughout the week we run various ministries where the primary aim is to share Jesus with people who don’t know Him yet.

We do this through our Eden Story and Bumps & Babies groups, as well as holiday activity mornings and some youth outreach events. If you have a heart for helping with children, young people and their families to begin a faith journey, come and join our team.

St Peter's estate Missional Community
St Peter's estate Missional Community

Our church building sits in the heart of St Peter’s estate. The aim of our missional community is to reach out to those living in this community, following Jesus’ commandment, “to love our neighbours as ourselves”. We want to get to know the people living on our doorstep, to build relationships and develop

A strong, interdependent community. Working together with local councillors and residents to ensure that all feel welcomed and supported, and part of a community, whether young or old, living alone or in families. We want to develop an understanding of the needs of our community, to offer support, to signpost alternative help available. Most of all we want to show those around us that they are loved, valued, and included. To be Jesus’ hands and feet serving those in our community; and his mouthpieces, bringing good news to all, by sharing the hope that we have.

Pear Tree Fields estate Missional Community
Pear Tree Fields estate Missional Community

We are working in conjunction with other local churches to form a missional community that will reach out to the new Broomhall Estate which is currently under development just a mile down the road.

Over the coming years approximately 2500 new homes will be built, creating a new large village on the edge of Worcester. We long to see Christ at the very centre of this new community so are creating a variety of activities to help welcome new residents to the estate and help them settle into their new homes, knowing there are people close by who care.

Life Groups

Joining a life group is a really good way to get to know people and integrate into the life of the church family. These are places where you will find friendship, support, opportunities to study the Bible and to pray. Some groups meet at church in the daytime, others meet on a regular evening in people’s homes. If you'd like to know more about a group or are interested in joining one send us an email by filling out the form below.

Contact Form - Life Groups


We have a group at St Peter’s for 18-30s called ‘Frontline’, named for our strong belief that we are called to be on God’s frontline, being the first to get involved, thus inspiring others to get stuck in too.

Having good friends around is vital for growth and support, particularly for young adults. This is why we care so much about developing our relationships within our age groups.

Hi. I’m Matt, I oversee our young adults’ groups. Click the button below to get in contact with me if you’d like to find out more about Frontline.

Matt Breed

Worship and Young Adults Worker

Bereavement Group

The Bereavement Journey Group consists of those of us who have suffered the loss of a significant person in their lives. This could be following a death, a divorce, or a similar major adverse life event. Our aim is to support one another in coming to terms with that loss and the grief we feel. 

We run a Bereavement Journey Course using materials that can be viewed on the At a Loss website:  AtaLoss.org 

We meet regularly throughout the year for mutual support, friendship and social activities.

Bereavement Journey Course

We regularly run a 7-week course using video and discussion materials developed by Holy Trinity Church Brompton. It’s not faith based so it’s suitable for anyone who’s been bereaved.

Watch this space for details of our next course and if you would like more information, please contact Shefali Hollis or David Braby  using the email address bereavement@stpetersbaptist.org.uk 

Our NEXT COURSE begins on Thursday 10th October at 1:30 pm in the church building.


Tuesday@2 meets every week in Room 2. It’s a social group mainly for older people but anyone free on a Tuesday afternoon is very welcome.  There are refreshments and cake, friendship, fun, board games, jigsaws and a thought for the day. Do come and join us.
