Find out about what we do on the best day of the week. We'd love you to join us!

Our Services

Sunday Gatherings


Soul Food (2nd & 4th except August)


Sunday Gatherings
Sunday Gatherings

Each Sunday morning we gather at 10:00 for vibrant services that cater for all ages.

Communion is shared on the first Sunday morning of each month.


Soul Food
Soul Food

On the second and fourth Sundays in the month we have Soul Food, our contemporary service, which starts at 18:30. (We take a break during August – the next Soul Food service is September 8th)

Why not join us?


Hello. I’m Andy, the Minister and Team Leader here at St Peter’s. You’re very warmly invited to our services. It would be great to meet you and welcome you to the church.  Please feel free to contact us about our services by clicking here.

Church Online

We’d love to meet you in-person at any of our Sunday services! Alternatively you can watch our weekly live-stream at 10:00 and take part in the chat to let us know you are watching with us.

Catch Up

We record our services each Sunday morning so that you can catch up at any time. To watch our latest morning service or to check out our other media click here.

Visiting Us


Whether you’re seeing family, on holiday in the area or considering joining the church, everyone’s warmly invited. Please do come and check us out at one of our services. It would be great to welcome you to the church. One of the members of our helpful welcome team will greet you at the door, answer any questions and help you in any way they can. We want you to have a great time with us.


You can find us at the following address:

St Peter’s Baptist Church

Eden Close 



What to Expect

Doors open 30 minutes before the service starts. We like to keep it informal, so there is no dress code, just come as you are.

We usually start with a time of worship for about 20 minutes, followed by a short welcome and highlights of what’s coming up. All the words are on the screens so you can sing along if you would like to but there is no pressure to join in. We then have a talk based on The Bible and personal experiences of following Jesus, which are relevant to everyday life. At the end of the service, there is always an opportunity to be prayed for.

It’s important to us that we make our Sunday church services accessible and inclusive to everyone. The building is easily accessible and we have a loop system in place for those who require it.

Our services last approximately an hour and a half. After the service we’d love to connect with you over refreshments.

Families are an integral part of our worship gatherings on Sundays and we have a range of activities for babies right through to 18 year olds. All are welcome. To find out more click here.


Soul Food is our contemporary Word and Spirit worship service. We have some great modern worship accompanied by short nourishing sermons. The service is aimed at younger people but everyone is welcome and people of all ages attend. This service has more space and time for waiting on God and is more informal and charismatic in style.
