Are you curious about faith, do you have questions about life, meaning, purpose, the universe and beyond? Do you feel like there’s something missing? Is there more to life than this?
Have you noticed lately the increasing number of celebrities sharing their faith? Jim Carrey, Bear Grylls, Alice Cooper. Maybe you watched the coronation of King Charles with fascination and curiosity, and want to know more.
Meet Vickie, Kim and the team who run Alpha courses at St Peter’s Baptist Church. On the Alpha course we meet up for food and then watch a short video and have time to ask questions and discuss our thoughts.
A new course starts on Thursday 19 September 2024 from 19:00 – an introductory ‘look-see’ evening with the opportunity to chat with some who have already been on the course.
The course itself runs on Thursday evenings from 26 September through to 5 December inclusive – excluding 31 October (half-term).
Come and join us and see if Alpha is for you.
If you’re interested in finding out more or joining us, please contact Vickie (alpha@stpetersbaptist.org.uk) or check out our website: www.stpetersbaptist.org.uk/connect/ #alpha
Our next course will run from September 2024.
Keep watching this space for more information
if you would like more information please contact me (Vickie) – alpha@stpetersbaptist.org.uk
Pastoral Care
(Picture shows our Care Home Team in action)
We believe the responsibility for fostering an excellent culture of pastoral care belongs to everyone. We look out for each other, support those who are finding life tough and ensure we are a family who express God’s love to each other and to our community. We do this through our Ministry Team, our Small Groups, our Pastoral Care Team and through friendship.
Click below to get in touch with our pastoral care team.
Talking Point
Talking Point is a pastoral drop-in service where Vickie Golding will be available to chat:- Tuesdays 12md – 14:00
Feel free to drop in to talk about anything you’d like to discuss. We will be pleased to listen, chat things through and in some circumstances signpost to other services.
There’s no need to book – just turn up (there may be a wait if someone is already chatting).
You will not be judged. We will just try and help you in the best way possible.
Why not visit Eden Coffee Shop for some refreshment while you are here?
We are a church which prioritises prayer. There are many ways that you can be involved:
- a prayer ministry team available after most services
- our small groups where you can share in prayer with a group of friends
- a prayer diary which you can receive daily or monthly by email
- prayer messages and updates which you shall receive regularly
- prayer gatherings held approximately quarterly. This is not only a time to bring our joys and concerns to God, but offers time to listen to what God is saying to the church
Come and be involved in the adventure that is prayer. All are welcome.
Baptism and Membership
Baptism and Membership are important to us here at St Peter's
Believer’s baptism is important to us. Unlike some other Christian denominations, Baptists do not baptise infants but only those who are of an age to make a clear declaration of their own free will. By means of baptism, a person declares their desire to turn from a life without God to one which is lived for God through Jesus Christ. Baptism involves the total immersion of a person into water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit on their own profession of faith.
All are welcome to join our church family and we encourage those who do to become members. Membership is our way of committing to God and each other and saying “I’m in; this is where I belong; I want to be part of things; be accountable; share in the vision and values of the church and in decision-making.”
To be baptised and become a member, you will be asked to attend a short course called ‘Foundations’ where you can explore baptism and membership in more detail, share your faith journey, and find out lots about the life of the church. Please speak to Andy, our Team Leader, to find out more.
Serving on a Team
We are all God’s unique creations and each of us has been given gifts to serve others: not just the higher gifts of prophecy and teaching but practical gifts with which we can glorify God on a daily basis. There is no greater joy!
There are lots of opportunities for you to bless others at St Peter’s including: serving one another in Sunday services through welcoming, playing or singing in our worship teams, helping with children’s work, joining the ‘tech team’, or assisting with Communion.
There is also the running of a busy church centre and there are many opportunities to serve there too.
If you’re interested in serving in a team, fill out the form below or get in contact with the corresponding emails in the images.
Showing others the love of Jesus and what He has done for us through the Cross and the Resurrection is what mission is all about. This is where our serving reaches outside our church family and extends into the lives of those who don’t yet know Jesus.
Our local mission activities, in which you can join, include local Foodbank collections, Eden Coffee Shop which serves the community, and various other outreach groups such as parent and toddlers, youth and older people.
We also have a monthly “Mission Spotlight” where we focus on three specific areas. Click below to find out more information about this month’s focuses.
We have a global as well as a local interest in supporting the work of Christ through regional, national and overseas organisations, such as our Malawi Partnership, via prayer, volunteering and financial gifts.
Click here to watch a video about our recent trip to Malawi: video
Feel free to get in touch by clicking below to email our team and ask any questions you may have.
Eco Church
SPBC is committed to caring for the world God gifted to us. We have joined with the Christian organisation A Rocha to promote sustainable living, limiting climate change and increasing biodiversity.
We have joined the Eco Church award scheme to monitor our progress in sustainable living looking at awareness in worship and teaching, management of church buildings and land, community/global engagement and lifestyle.
Our hope is to encourage alternative living which is sustainable and enjoyable without sacrificing modern comforts. You may be surprised to find that moving towards a less impactful life can be less expensive and more rewarding.
You can find out more information as well as advice on how to lower your carbon foot print and reduce waste, book reviews, links to online content and political campaigning by clicking the link below.
Welcome to the St Peter’s Baptist Church library.
Books are available to be borrowed by any of our regular congregation.
To borrow a book (or more than one) email Al Warner (click here for link):
with details of the author and the title from the attached document.
Al will contact you back with when the item(s) are ready for you to collect from the church.
There is no charge for book borrowing but please ensure you return them to Al when you have finished with them.
The library is not looking to expand. If you have any books (or CDs, DVDs, vinyls) you can take them to the Daisy Chain Benevolent Fund shop in St John’s