Expectancy – The feeling that something exciting or pleasant is going to happen.
Some of the most exciting periods of our lives are the times of anticipation. So far 2023 has been a year of hope and expectancy for me. Expectantly waiting to go on holiday to a brand new destination with my wonderful wife. Expectantly waiting for my son to marry his fabulous fianceé, and all of the planning and partying that entailed. Expectantly waiting for my beautiful daughter to present us with our first grandchild, and the unknown future he will bring.
Expectations quicken our steps and brighten our eyes as we reach out to future hopes and dreams. The attitude you have while waiting for something is an important factor. An attitude of expectancy is an outlook of hope; it can be contagious, creating an atmosphere of expectancy.
The Bible says that “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen”. Faith understands as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses, so it’s important that while we wait for God to reveal His plans for us and to us, we continue to create an atmosphere of expectancy and hope. If we can learn to wait patiently for the Lord, if our hope is in the Lord, then we will:
run and not grow weary; walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31)
We’ve just celebrated some important dates in the Christian calendar – Easter, Ascension Day and Pentecost. This was a time of waiting for the early believers. When Jesus ascended to Heaven He left His church in an attitude of expectancy.
For 3½ years Jesus had prepared His disciples for their mission. He had taught them and challenged them and shown them the way. “Go make disciples of all nations”. Then in the last moments of His earthly ministry He gave them a final command, “WAIT”.
Wait? Surely not wait!
And that is often His word for us. We pray for something we believe is God’s will, and His answer comes back: “Wait”. We work diligently as we believe God has commanded us, and we look for the miraculous results, and God says: “Wait for this seed to grow”. God answers our prayers and works in our lives according to His timing, not ours.
The secret to waiting is expectancy. When you believe God will do what He says, you will not give up waiting for His timing. Are you expecting God to keep His promises in your life day by day? Expect God to use your life as you work for Him and surround yourself with the right people. People who will lift you up; people who will hold your hand; pray with you; fight for you; people who you allow to speak positively into your life; people who will wait with you and help you build an atmosphere of expectancy.
Patiently “Wait on the Lord” (painting by Chris Duffett)